Earwax Removal

Professional Cerumen (Earwax) Removal in Peterborough and Marmora areas

If your ears feel blocked or clogged, or if you’re struggling to hear as well as you once did, there’s a good chance it could be due to a buildup of earwax.

Earwax is a natural substance your body produces to trap dirt and dust. It has protective properties that prevent bacteria from reaching the inner ear and inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi that can lead to ear infections. In most cases, earwax is beneficial and should be appreciated!

However, an over-accumulation or impaction of earwax can cause various problems, including temporary or sudden hearing loss, a feeling of fullness in the ear, dizziness, headaches, balance issues, and ear pain.
The most common cause of impacted earwax is the use of cotton swabs to “clean” the ears, which often pushes the earwax deeper into the ear canal, leading to buildup or blockage.

Despite many myths and misconceptions about earwax removal, the safest and most effective method is to work with a hearing care professional who has experience in helping others with similar issues.

Patient Undergoing The Earwax Removal Process at The Ear Depot

Commmon Myths About Earwax


‘My body creates too much earwax!’

This is rarely the case. Your ears typically produce the right amount of wax to keep them free of debris. However, excessive cleaning can signal your body to produce more wax, which can then lead to blockages.


‘I can use a cotton swab to remove earwax’

Using cotton swabs can be very dangerous and often causes more problems than it solves. Cotton swabs are a leading cause of earwax buildup or blockage because they push the wax deeper into the ear canal.


‘There are tutorials online that I can follow to remove my own earwax’

While you can find tutorials online for many things, including cutting your own hair or doing electrical work, it doesn’t mean it’s the smartest or safest approach. The long-term risks of not consulting a professional far outweigh the small investment in having a specialist assist you.


‘My ear will naturally clean/fix itself’

If your ears are blocked or sore, they need professional attention. Ignoring the problem can lead to ear infections or permanent damage.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tinnitus

Q. What Are Some of the Symptoms of Built-Up or Impacted Earwax

A. Common build up or impacted earwax symptoms include:

  • Stuffiness in the ears
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Muffled hearing
  • Decreased performance of hearing aids
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Balance issues
  • Itchiness or irritation in the ear canal

Q. What Is Earwax?

A. Earwax is nature’s way of keeping your ears healthy by lubricating the ear canal and working as a cleaning system that eliminates dirt and debris, fungus, bacteria, and other foreign substances. The sticky, wax-like oil known as cerumen usually works its way to the outer ear as you talk and/or chew, and then falls out on its own or can easily be wiped away.

Q. What Causes Earwax Buildup and Impacted Earwax?

A. The cause of earwax buildup include narrow ear canals, a loss of elasticity from aging, living/working in dusty environments and hearing aid use. However, the most common cause of impacted earwax is the use of cotton swabs in an attempt to clean out earwax by yourself.

Q. Do Ear Candles Work for Removing Earwax?

A. No. Testing of this method of earwax removal has proven that it is neither safe nor effective at removing earwax. In addition, this technique increases your risk of damaging your ears.

Q. Is There a Safe Way to Remove Earwax at Home?

A. If you’re unable to get to an earwax removal specialist right away, but need some instant relief from impacted earwax, you can use a softening agent like mineral oil or olive oil and follow these steps:

  1. Place 2-3 drops of oil in one ear.
  2. Lay sideways for approximately 5 minutes to allow for the oil to ‘sit and soak.’
  3. Wipe any excess oil from the outside of your ear with a soft cloth.
  4. Repeat on your other ear
  5. You can continue this treatment for up to 4 days

This process will help soften the wax so that it works its way out of your ears naturally.

Q. Why Should I Consult an Earwax Removal Professional?

A. Using cotton swabs or some other instrument (we shudder to think of what that might be) is more likely to make the blockage worse or cause damage to the ear canal or eardrum. Using mineral oil, olive oil, or over-the-counter products to soften and loosen earwax for removal on occasion is okay, but an ongoing issue with impacted earwax could be an indication of a more serious issue that requires the attention of a hearing care professional.

Currently Accepting New Clients

With appointments available, you’re invited to schedule and start your hearing journey.

Schedule Your Earwax Removal Appointment

A build up of earwax can not only affect your day to day hearing, but it can cause headaches, dizziness and also make the symptoms of tinnitus much worse.

Having your earwax removed by one of our experts is a gentle and completely pain free experience. By having your ears cleaned regularly, you will notice the difference it will make to your life.

If left untreated, impacted earwax can even cause permanent damage to your ears, so schedule your appointment today, and one of our team will call you back.

Don’t want to wait? Call us at:
Peterborough: 1(705) 749-0707
Marmora: 1(613) 472 6134

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Hearing Health Journeys

“Friendly, professional and caring”

At her first appointment, Sue says she thought the team was “friendly, professional and caring.” Additionally, she says she liked how they were “not pushy” and “cheerful.”


“Very welcoming and friendly”

Elaine says her experience with The Ear Depot has been “wonderful from the moment I walked in the door.” She notes that the team is “very welcoming and friendly and put me at ease.” Elaine also says she especially likes “the ease of calling and getting an appointment and sometimes on quick notice” as well as “the friendliness of staff from Danielle, Taylor and Matt.”


“I can definitely hear more”

These days, George depends on The Ear Depot for his hearing care. He describes the team as “professional and thorough.” “When there were challenges, they responded in a timely fashion and rectified the issues.”


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