Hearing Health Journeys

“I can definitely hear more”
George has lived with his hearing loss for many years.
He shares, “In 1997, I applied to McMaster University and visited an audiologist, knowing I would have challenges with the audio in a classroom. It would take many more years before I would actually proceed with a fitting.
“Technology advances were a huge part of the decision. Back in 1997, the audiologist warned of ambient noise to be a huge problem if I proceeded with hearing aids.”
These days, George depends on The Ear Depot for his hearing care. He describes the team as “professional and thorough.” He also likes the office’s flexibility, saying, “When there were challenges, they responded in a timely fashion and rectified the issues.”
Today’s modern hearing technology has fully impressed George. He shares, “Hearing birds and subtle sounds has been a pleasure. The TV adapter has vastly improved that experience. Conversationally, I can definitely hear more.”
George rates The Ear Depot a 10/10. To those considering an appointment, he advises, “Get checked, assess the results and get fitted. YOLO!”
George C.

“Highly recommend”
Jordan came to The Ear Depot after experiencing a full loss of hearing.
During what was an undoubtedly stressful time, Jordan soon felt reassured. Describing the team as “amazing staff,” Jordan shares, “The main doctor that looked after me really seemed to care.”
Following a comprehensive hearing assessment, Jordan is now on the road to recovery. He rates The Ear Depot a 10/10 and says he would “highly recommend” them to potential patients.
Jordan M.

“Friendly, professional and caring”
Sue’s hearing loss was totally unexpected.
She recalls, “Shortly after receiving a tetanus shot, I had headaches and loss of hearing in one ear.” Her daughter recommended a visit to The Ear Depot to find out what was happening.
At her first appointment, Sue says she thought the team was “friendly, professional and caring.” Additionally, she says she liked how they were “not pushy” and “cheerful.”
Following a comprehensive hearing assessment, Sue was prescribed hearing aids. She describes her new devices as “helpful, although at times being in more peripheral noise.”
Sue rates The Ear Depot a 10/10. To prospective patients, she says, “Nothing ventured nothing gained.”
Sue F.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about”
John has lived with hearing challenges for most of his life.
He shares, “I was 7 years old, and my grade 2 teacher observed I appeared ‘slow’ when responding to interactions in class. Thankfully, it caused my parents to have my hearing checked. Otherwise, I might have been identified as a ‘slow learner.’”
Over the years, John visited various ear doctors and audiologists, including a 40+ year relationship with Sunnybrook Hospital. He visited The Ear Depot following a referral from his last provider who had closed down.
Recalling his first appointment, John says, “Taylor was very cheerful and friendly. Matt was engaging and was soon aware that I was an ‘experienced’ hearing aid user.”
Talking more about his experience with hearing aids, John continues, “Hearing aids allow me to participate in my hearing world. I also have a cochlear implant in my one ear. This assures me that should I lose my natural hearing, I may still be able to hear using this implant. My greatest worry was no longer being able to ‘live’ in a hearing environment.”
John rates The Ear Depot a 10/10 and offers plenty of reassurance to anyone considering an appointment. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about by acknowledging hearing loss. There are devices available to assist you to improve your hearing,” he says. “The Ear Depot staff will work with you to recommend various options based on the type of hearing loss. They will work with you until you are satisfied you are hearing the way you should.”
John C.

“Very welcoming and friendly”
When Elaine first noticed she was having difficulty hearing, she opted to ignore the signs and not seek help.
She explains, “At the time, I did ignore it because I felt I was ‘too young’ to have a hearing loss and didn’t want the stigma of hearing aids because they were for ‘old people.’ I actually did myself a disservice by waiting so long to look into it and because it changed everything for me.”
Eventually, Elaine couldn’t ignore her hearing loss any longer. Upon making an appointment with The Ear Depot, she says, “I was ready emotionally I feel for something to be done, and talking to Taysha really helped in that decision.”
She says her experience with The Ear Depot has been “wonderful from the moment I walked in the door.” Elaine notes that the team is “very welcoming and friendly and put me at ease.” She says she especially likes “the ease of calling and getting an appointment and sometimes on quick notice” as well as “the friendliness of staff from Danielle, Taylor and Matt.”
Elaine was prescribed hearing aids following her comprehensive hearing assessment. “It changed everything,” she remarks. “I didn’t realize how bad it was until I had them. I have to admit I still do have trouble hearing in some settings, but sometimes it’s the people talking and not you. There’s a lot of people who mumble or quiet talkers.”
Elaine gives The Ear Depot a 10/10 rating. To prospective patients, she suggests, “Just go and talk to them and find out yourself. I have referred a couple of people personally.”
Elaine E.

Max visited The Ear Depot because he was suffering from clogged ears. He says the team was “friendly” throughout his appointment.
A comprehensive hearing assessment ensured that Max’s hearing loss wasn’t more than just an ear blockage. Following the assessment, Max’s ears were cleaned, and his earwax was successfully dislodged. His ears are now as good as new!
Max says it’s a relief “having clear ears and being able to sleep again.”
He gives The Ear Depot a 10/10 rating and says others should just “go” and make an appointment as soon as possible.

“They changed my life completely”
Conversations were a challenge for Lane.
He recalls, “My family and people at work would always have to say things two or three times before I could hear it properly. That was an inconvenience for them and an embarrassment for me.”
Prior to visiting The Ear Depot, Lane says, “My biggest concern was the price. I found out that they could help me with hearing aids and because of my work experience, the government paid for it.”
He considers The Ear Depot team to be “very professional, friendly, helpful and informative.” Lane was prescribed hearing aids following his comprehensive hearing assessment, and they are equally as impressive. “I do wear hearing aids, and when I got them, they changed my life completely. All the things I could hear that I didn’t hear before was amazing,” he shares. “When I take my hearing aids out, I feel lonely.”
Lane gives The Ear Depot a 10/10 rating. When asked what advice he would give to others who have been putting off an appointment, Lane replies, “I would say go for it. Don’t hesitate for a minute.”
Lane D.
“They are the door to my world”
M. was fully aware of their hearing loss. However, there was one problem: convincing others M. had a hearing challenge.
M. says, “No one else believed me! When I would place myself in a group situation to hear better, I was often accused of trying for self-privilege when nothing could have been further from the truth.”
Prior to visiting The Ear Depot, M. says they were concerned about “being listened to and actually heard.” However, M. notes they were pleased to find a “gentle and eager” team, and following M.’s comprehensive hearing assessment, hearing aids were prescribed.
M. says the new devices “are my door to the world, so I am, unusually for me, vulnerable.” Additionally, M. shares, “Capable and usually in control, they are my most precious possession because with them, I remain independent!!! They are vital, a part of my being.”
Rating The Ear Depot an 8/10, M. suggests potential patients make an appointment “without delay.”
M.S. T.
“Very professional”
Tom shares that he was “having problems hearing people in noisy locations like restaurants.”
As Tom knew someone who works at The Ear Depot, he says he had “no problems” with booking an appointment. He was ready to get help!
Although he says it is a “small, out of the way office,” Tom notes that the team is “very professional.” He adds that even now, following his hearing aids being fitted, he always feels they are “available when I need help.”
Following his comprehensive hearing assessment and being fit with hearing aids, Tom is pleased with his devices. “I used to avoid group conversations because I missed so much of the chat. Now, I can turn up the hearing aids (or sometimes turn them down!),” he shares.
Tom gives The Ear Depot an 8/10 rating. He advises others, “Book an appointment! It can’t hurt you.”
Tom R.
“The environment is friendly and comfortable”
Debra shares that her hearing loss developed gradually. She says she began “noticing others could hear the conversation and I couldn’t.”
Debra felt comfortable contacting The Ear Depot for an appointment. She says she was familiar with hearing aids “as my mother has been extremely hearing impaired my whole life.”
Upon visiting the office, Debra says, “I felt very comfortable with Matt and the staff at The Ear Depot and have not regretted going there.” She describes the team as “very personable and knowledgeable” and adds, “When I have any questions or concerns, I can call The Ear Depot and have a quick turnaround in getting a response.”
Debra is pleased with her hearing aids. She notes, “I have more clarity in my hearing with the hearing aids.”Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Debra hopes others will give them a try. “I feel your questions would all be answered in a professional way. The environment is friendly and comfortable,” she says.
Debra D.
“It has made such a difference for me!”
Susan says she realized she had a hearing loss “when I started missing some things that were said in group conversation.” However, she was also experiencing tinnitus, which at the time caused her even more despair.
Prior to visiting The Ear Depot, Susan says, “I wasn’t fearful, but I just was not ready to be wearing hearing aids. I was self-conscious, I suppose. I just knew I needed relief from my tinnitus.”
During her initial appointment, Susan shares, “I was truly impressed with everyone. They were so kind and very caring.” She adds that she especially liked the team’s “compassion and expertise.”
Susan was prescribed hearing aids, and she is thrilled with the results. “I am thankful for the changes in what I hear and also how they help to relieve my tinnitus,” she says.
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Susan encourages others to make an appointment. “I would tell them to not hesitate. It is so important not to be missing out on life experiences,” she concludes. “It has made such a difference for me!”
Doretta (Susan) I.
“Professional service”
Ron shares that he was around 72 years old when he began to struggle with “understanding high-pitched voices.” His visit to The Ear Depot was his second attempt at finding a hearing loss solution after what he calls a “prior unsatisfactory experience with another provider.”
Ron’s experience with The Ear Depot, according to him, has been “positive,” and he says he especially likes the “professional service” he receives. This time around, his hearing devices have been a success, and Ron isn’t planning on going anywhere else for his hearing care!
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Ron says he would give potential patients a “positive recommendation.”
Ron C. R.
“I feel engaged in conversations”
Jan has a history of having serious ear infections that play havoc with her hearing.
She explains, “I am told I have small drainage tubes, so if I have a cold, it builds fluid in my eardrum and it must be drained by inserting tubes. I have gone completely deaf when that happens.”
Jan has depended on The Ear Depot for her hearing health for quite some time. “My first experience was with Sharon and her brother,” she says. Jan adds that she likes the “convenience of the location and personal good service” she receives.
Hearing aids help her immensely with her daily life. “I feel engaged in conversations,” she notes. “Without them, I feel strained and resort to lip reading.”
Jan rates The Ear Depot a 10/10. To prospective patients, she says, “Have a hearing test to confirm if you will benefit from hearing aids or if you need them.”
Jan O'Neill
“You will be in good hands”
Debbra recently visited The Ear Depot along with her husband.
“I came to The Ear Depot to have a baseline hearing test done, and my husband has regular earwax removal sessions,” she shares. Debbra describes the team as “friendly, kind, competent and accommodating.” She adds that the people there “from Danielle at reception to the professionals and trainees” really stand out.
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Debbra advises potential patients, “Don’t wait. You will be in good hands there.”
Debbra S.
“Very professional”
Valerie’s hearing challenges have spanned several decades.
Recalling the moment when she first realized she had a hearing loss, she says, “It was years ago, I think in my early 30s. I noticed I was having a hard time hearing out of my left ear, especially when there was a lot of people around or music playing. I’d been to many hearing tests, and I knew beforehand that my left ear wasn’t picking up certain sounds. Apparently, it was operatable with a 95% success rate, but I didn’t want to do the surgery, so I lived with it for many years.”
Valerie now turns to The Ear Depot for her hearing care. She says the team is “very professional and friendly” and describes them even further as “amazing.”
With her hearing aids, Valerie says, “I have much more clarity in my left ear now.”
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Valerie concludes, “I would highly recommend The Ear Depot based on my experience.”
Valerie B.
“Very thorough”
Brenda suspected something was wrong with her hearing when she says she “couldn’t hear people talking on the phone very well.”
So, she made an appointment with The Ear Depot to find out how they could help her. Brenda had a comprehensive hearing assessment, which she describes as “very thorough.” It revealed where her hearing could use a boost, and hearing aids were prescribed afterwards.
Conversations are much easier for Brenda now. “I can hear what people are saying without having to ask them to repeat,” she notes.
Brenda rates The Ear Depot a 10/10. She advises anyone with hearing concerns, “You should go and have it checked out.”
Brenda B.
“They know what they are doing.”
Although Bryan first noticed his hearing loss many years ago, he says he remembers, “My biggest concern was not being able to understand what others were saying.”
When Bryan decided to turn to The Ear Depot for his hearing care, he says he found the team to be “professional and attentive,” and he adds that “the staff” is one of his favourite things about the office.
Bryan also shares the positive points of wearing hearing aids. He says, “They give me a better understanding of what is going on around me and a better ability to be part of conversations, although hearing aids can’t fix when others speak softly or not clearly.”
Rating The Ear Depot an 8/10, he advises others, “Go ahead and get it checked. They know what they are doing.”
Bryan F.
“Don’t hesitate”
Lyndon made an appointment with The Ear Depot when he says he found it “hard to hear out of one side. I started thinking it was both.”
At his initial appointment, Lyndon says the team was “friendly” and “the people” there were the highlight of his visit.
Now on the road to better hearing, Lyndon rates The Ear Depot a 10/10. He advises potential patients to make an appointment, saying, “Don’t hesitate.”
“A calming atmosphere”
Peter was frustrated with his hearing loss and needed to do something about it. He says he “thought people were whispering, and I was missing a lot of conversation.”
Upon visiting The Ear Depot, Peter says he thought the “staff were all very pleasant,” and they “offered a calming atmosphere.” He adds, “They all seemed very knowledgeable and explained everything thoroughly to me. They were also very helpful in completing all necessary paperwork.”
Following Peter’s comprehensive hearing assessment, he was prescribed hearing aids. The devices have done an amazing job reconnecting Peter to the world around him. “I can hear much better. My wife isn’t yelling to me anymore,” he chuckles. “I can also keep the TV and music at a comfortable level for everyone around me.”
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Peter advises potential patients to make an appointment, saying, “Don’t waste time. Go there, get checked and be pleasantly surprised at the difference they could make. The staff has taken care of all my hearing concerns and treated me with the utmost respect while doing so.”
Peter T.
“Do not hesitate”
When Endel’s tinnitus started, he spoke to his doctor about his concerns. His doctor referred him to an ENT before he paid The Ear Depot a visit.
Endel recalls that his “tinnitus was getting worse, and I was having hearing loss,” which he was uneasy about prior to his appointment at The Ear Depot – something he describes as “a great experience.”
According to Endel, the “staff was great and very helpful.” He adds that he really liked “the friendliness” of the team.
Endel shares that his comprehensive hearing assessment revealed that “I had some frequency loss as well as hard of hearing, and with my hearing aids, I have regained some of it.”
He rates The Ear Depot a 9/10. To anyone considering an appointment, Endel says, “Go, do not hesitate. They are here to help you, and there is no stigma attached to wearing hearing aids; they help you hear!”
Endel R.
“It was a sense of relief”
Lucia remembers the moment when she realized she had a hearing loss – and it isn’t a particularly positive memory.
At the time, she was confronted with several concerns. Lucia recalls, “The fear of going deaf was on my mind. Was the hearing loss progressing or just temporary?”
She continues, “It was a sense of relief to have found help at The Ear Depot,” and adds that she especially liked the “caring and professional staff.”
During her appointment, Lucia shared her worries and concerns as well as provided information about her lifestyle and health history. After a few hearing tests, the results indicated where her hearing could use some help, and hearing aids were prescribed. Lucia shares that her new devices “make day-to-day activities more enjoyable.”
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Lucia hopes others will make an appointment. She says, “This is the place you will find a lifeline.”
Lucia G.
“Really seemed to care”
When Jordon experienced what he describes as a “full loss of hearing,” he turned to The Ear Depot for help.
He recalls that the staff was “amazing” and says, “The main doctor that looked after me really seemed to care.”
Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, which included a thorough ear examination and several hearing tests, Jordan is now on the road to recovery.
Rating The Ear Depot a solid 10/10, Jordan says he would “highly recommend” them to others.
Jordan M.
“Professional, knowledgeable and informative”
Glen’s hearing loss journey began more than ten years ago.
He shares, “Hearing loss for me was gradual and somewhat expected because of my work. I was a police officer and exposed to constant and many noise levels over the years. The impairment didn’t really impact me until after I retired and was not in the same environment.”
Like many patients, Glen had concerns prior to his appointment at The Ear Depot. “My biggest concern seemed to be embarrassment because this showed me signs of getting old, and my hearing wasn’t 100% anymore. I learned very quickly that once there is hearing loss, you cannot get it back, and the progression to hearing appliances is a process,” he recalls.
“I was granted a WSIB claim, and The Ear Depot took it from there. I was not concerned about the cost of the hearing aids because they would be covered and that took most of my concerns away,” says Glen. “I had seen other people with hearing aids and some looked uncomfortable, too big and awkward. Some were very noticeable, and I guess that was a concern for me … I wanted my handicap to be invisible.”
Reflecting on his experience with The Ear Depot, Glen shares, “The staff was always professional, knowledgeable and informative. There was lots of testing to be done and paperwork to be completed, and all of this was done without any delays.
“There were lots of styles of appliances to choose from and it was stressed if I was satisfied, that was all that mattered.”
Overall, hearing aids have positively affected Glen’s life. He explains, “I have worn hearing aids for over ten years and the impact has been good and bad. I am able to hear easier, but there are still challenges.
“One-on-one conversations are easiest to deal with, but crowded rooms with lots of discussion are still a challenge. I have a Bluetooth streaming device for my television, and this helps to be able to follow programs better without having the volume loud enough so the next-door neighbour can hear it.”
Rating The Ear Depot an 8/10, Glen advises anyone with hearing concerns, “Just go for it. The people at The Ear Depot are professionals and are waiting to help you navigate your hearing loss and get you set up. I have had very good luck with my devices, but when I did have some issues (adjustments, repairs, supplies, etc.), everything was addressed in a timely fashion.”
Glen Y.
“Good service”
When Ien began to show signs of hearing loss, he made an appointment with The Ear Depot to get his hearing back on track.
Ien says he was impressed with the “good service” he received from the team. Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, hearing aids were prescribed according to his unique needs and lifestyle.
Ien is pleased to report that his new devices “help” him hear better. He rates The Ear Depot a 10/10 and encourages others to make an appointment, saying they have “nothing to lose.”
Ien C.
“Great service”
Although Steve says he “felt okay” when his hearing loss became apparent, he was aware of “missing something” and was “concerned about not hearing.”
Hoping to put his concerns to rest, Steve made an appointment with The Ear Depot. He says he was pleased with the “quick and great service” he received throughout his comprehensive hearing assessment and beyond.
Prescribed hearing aids, Steve says his devices are “comfortable,” and he adds, “I can hear.”
Rating The Ear Depot a 9/10, Steve notes that choosing them was a “good choice” to make.
“Just go and do it.”
Ken was struggling with his hearing and says he wasn’t “hearing important moments.”
Despite his worries about the cost of hearing aids, he decided to make an appointment with The Ear Depot. Ken notes that his initial appointment was “excellent,” and he says he thought the “friendly staff” was “professional” and “courteous.”
Ken is pleased with his hearing aids, saying they’ve made a “great improvement” to his life. Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, he encourages prospective patients to make an appointment, saying, “Just go and do it.”
Ken N.
“I instantly felt comfortable.”
Beth realized something was wrong with her hearing when she struggled to hear what her granddaughter was saying.
Recalling the moment, Beth says, “My granddaughter was visiting, and we were playing together. I could not hear everything she was saying. Honestly, it frightened me. What if I could no longer hear her? How could I safely babysit her? I also noticed I was missing conversation when our larger family was together.”
Beth’s anxiety grew as she considered other future scenarios. Besides trying to look past the stigma that hearing aids were for “old” people, she says she wondered, “Will my hearing be impacted for the rest of my life? Also, could I lose my driver’s license?”
Thankfully, Beth’s appointment at The Ear Depot reassured her that the future was not something to worry about. “I instantly felt comfortable,” shares Beth. “I felt that you would help me solve my hearing problems. I felt amongst friends very quickly.”
She says she also felt that all of her questions were answered and the team’s “knowledge about insurance plans was also very helpful.”
Following her comprehensive hearing assessment, Beth learned that hearing aids would improve her hearing. She happily confirms that they have!
Beth says her devices have helped “definitely for the better.” She continues, “ I hear the grandchildren and am very comfortable hearing in crowded situations. I now read with confidence at church.”
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Beth says others should “Just go and see them!!!”
Beth M.
“I shouldn’t have waited so long.”
Glenna first visited The Ear Depot 18 months ago because she says, “More and more, I was asking people to repeat themselves.”
Prior to her appointment, she pondered over her situation. “Did I really need hearing aids, or should I just try to cope?” she recalls wondering. “If I did get hearing aids, would the difference they make justify the price of the aids?”
Glenna’s experience with The Ear Depot was a positive one, even though she didn’t get hearing aids immediately. “I was very impressed with everyone at The Ear Depot. They were kind, informative and made me feel very comfortable with my decisions. My first visit was 1.5 years before I actually started wearing hearing aids. I shouldn’t have waited so long,” she shares.
When it felt like it was time for hearing aids, Glenna returned to The Ear Depot and was fitted for them. She is so happy she did!
“I have had my hearing aids for two weeks now, and I have not had to ask anyone to repeat what they said. I didn’t realize how much I was missing,” says Glenna.
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Glenna hopes others will give them a try. “I can’t imagine having a better experience anywhere else,” she says. “It’s worth checking out your hearing concerns. The staff is awesome! They are so helpful and kind.”
Glenna M.
“Friendly, easy to talk to”
Patricia says she became concerned about her hearing when “my daughter had her TV and radio turned down so low that I had to strain to listen. She has excellent hearing.”
Curious about what her options were, Patricia made an appointment with The Ear Depot. She says the team was “friendly, easy to talk to,” and she notes that she liked the “comfortable environment.”
Patricia doesn’t have hearing aids yet, but her husband does. She shares, “With my husband wearing them, there’s a lot less yelling.”
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Patricia hopes others will get their hearing assessed. “Go, check your ears,” she encourages. “It’s important.”
Patricia D.
“I had no negative experience”
Doreen began having issues with her hearing just before the Covid pandemic began.
She recalls, “It happened after an earache. I came for hearing loss that developed into tinnitus. I assumed it would be difficult to find a solution.”
Prior to visiting The Ear Depot, Doreen had no concerns. She says she “was familiar with the office, as Mom had a hearing loss and eventually had aids. They helped my mom greatly.”
Following a comprehensive hearing assessment, Doreen soon found herself on the road to recovery. Rating The Ear Depot an 8/10, she recommends them to others, saying, “I had no negative experience.”
“I am amazed at how much I was missing.”
Janet was convinced that people around her weren’t speaking clearly and that her hearing was just fine.
She recalls, “I always knew it was difficult to hear everything some people were saying, always missing part of the conversation, but I just assumed they were ‘mumblers’ – my hearing was fine! But when I started to lean in and cock my head to the side to hear all the time, I realized I needed to do something. I was starting to avoid being with groups, noisy environments and the telephone (can’t read lips or get body language cues!).”
Janet approached The Ear Depot without any major concerns. “I knew I was in good hands,” she says. At her appointment, she says the team was “friendly, efficient, knowledgeable,” and she found everyone “incredibly supportive.”
Once Janet’s hearing loss was confirmed, she was prescribed hearing aids. “I am amazed at how much I was missing. Everything—voices, music, outdoor sounds— is so much sharper and clearer. When I take them out at night, my hearing world becomes dull,” she shares.
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Janet encourages anyone who is concerned about their hearing to get it checked out. “Go!” she insists.
Janet M.
“They are great”
Jude visited The Ear Depot for earwax removal.
He says he was impressed with the “friendly, confident staff.” His earwax was carefully dislodged and cleared from his ear canals, resulting in better hearing.
Jude rates The Ear Depot a 10/10 and says, “If you need wax removal, they are great.”
“Definitely have things checked out”
Explaining her reason for visiting The Ear Depot, Sandra says, “I’ve had wax buildup for many years, but I was experiencing difficulty hearing people talk and had to increase the volume on my TV, etc. I had no real concerns because I was aware of what was happening.”
Sandra says her first impressions of The Ear Depot were “small office but very friendly staff,” and she thought the staff was also “very professional.”
Her comprehensive hearing assessment was her first step on her journey to better hearing, and Sandra is happy she sought help.
Rating The Ear Depot a 9/10, she advises others, “Definitely have things checked out so you will be put at ease.” She also notes, “I didn’t have to wait to get an appointment.”
Sandra S.
“Friendly and thorough”
Despite people telling Dave that he had a hearing loss for many years, he says, “I did not believe them.”
Eventually, Dave did have his hearing checked and got hearing aids. When he came to The Ear Depot, he had no concerns, as he says he “transferred in from another city” and was an experienced hearing aid wearer.
Dave describes his first impressions of The Ear Depot as “positive.” He says he liked the “excellently decorated waiting room” and the “very welcoming staff,” whom he also describes as “friendly and thorough.”
He is happy to have found a new hearing care provider. Dave says hearing aids allow him to “participate with groups of people in background noise locations.”
Dave gives The Ear Depot an 8/10 rating. To anyone considering an appointment, he says, “Get going.”
Dave S.
“They will do everything they can to help.”
Everyone seemed to be aware of Ted’s hearing loss, except for Ted.
“I was reminded many times by my family,” he says. Eventually, he “decided something needed to be changed.”
Upon arriving at The Ear Depot, Ted says the team was “friendly, helpful and smart.” He also felt good about “seeing folks who deeply care about making my hearing better.”
Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, hearing aids were prescribed.“I am still pretty deaf,” says Ted, “but they sure do help.”
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Ted highly recommends them to others. “For sure, go see the folks at The Ear Depot. They will do everything they can to help,” he says.
Ted R.
“A huge difference”
It was Heidi’s family who alerted her to her hearing challenges.
“My family members complained that they had to constantly repeat themselves,” she recalls.
Prior to visiting The Ear Depot, Heidi admits that she was “worried about whether it would actually help and if the hearing aids would bug me or if I’d be self-conscious of them.”
According to her, the team was “friendly” and “welcoming,” and she adds that they “made me feel relaxed.” During her comprehensive hearing assessment, Heidi was able to share her concerns before taking a few hearing tests. It didn’t take long for the results to reveal her level of hearing loss.
Hearing aids were recommended for her.
Referring to her devices, Heidi says, “They have made a huge difference. I engage and participate when people are talking. I’m not left out of conversation or having to ask people to repeat themselves.”
Heidi gives The Ear Depot a 10/10 rating. To prospective patients, she says, “It is worth having your hearing tested and seeking the support needed to improve your hearing.They are local, convenient, friendly and helpful.”
“Super friendly”
Monika visited The Ear Depot because she says “there was a wax buildup” in her ears.
She didn’t have any concerns prior to her appointment, saying, “I trust the professionals.” Monika describes the team as “super friendly” and the office as a “nice environment.”
During her appointment, Monika’s ears were gently cleaned,and the wax was removed, improving her hearing ability and comfort.
Monika encourages others to visit The Ear Depot for help with their hearing concerns. “Go for it. Don’t hesitate,” she says, giving them a 10/10 rating.
Monika C.
“I hear better.”
John credits his better hearing to his wife and The Ear Depot.
He says, “My wife started my journey. I did not think I needed anything, but my wife continued.” Her concerns and persistence led John to his appointment at The Ear Depot.
“The ear test went smoothly,” John recalls, “and I understood what was going on.” In addition to helping him get his hearing back on track, John was also satisfied with the administrative side of his appointment. “They processed all the applications (doctor contact, insurance and health card claims),” he notes.
As for the hearing aids he was prescribed, John says, “I hear better. My wife is happy, and I enjoy the technology (Bluetooth, pocket tester, directional change, Thrive app, etc.).” However, he adds, “I do have trouble answering a landline phone and wearing earphones.”
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, John’s simple advice to anyone considering an appointment is “Do it.”
John E.
“I was thrilled with the results”
Patrick turned to The Ear Depot to help him with his earwax issues.
He says, “I was experiencing some blockage in my left ear, and it was affecting my hearing. It turns out l had a bad wax buildup and went for a checkup.”
Patrick had no concerns prior to his appointment – just a positive attitude. “Sometimes, you just need an expert to evaluate the situation,” he notes.
Recalling his appointment, Patrick says, “It was very comforting, from the kind receptionist to my doctor, Matt, it was very positive. Matt really put me at ease and explained the procedure, and l was thrilled with the results.
“My favourite thing was having my ear fixed. My second favourite thing was the compassionate and friendly treatment I received from the staff.”
Following the careful removal of his earwax, Patrick’s hearing is back to normal.
Giving The Ear Depot a 10/10 rating, Patrick says he would “absolutely” recommend them to others. He adds, “l have already mentioned it to friends, and as a level 9 reviewer for Google, l wrote my honest evaluation of my experience with The Ear Depot. They deserved my 5-star review. In fact, even though my hearing is normal,I’m going back in the fall for a checkup.”
Patrick K. O’Brien
“Polite and courteous”
Dan says he was “looking for answers to my dizziness” when he made an appointment with The Ear Depot.
During his comprehensive hearing assessment, Dan’s ears were checked for any possible causes of dizziness before further actions were suggested. He notes that the team was “polite and courteous.”
Dave rates The Ear Depot a 9/10, recommending them to others. “Go ahead,” he says. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
“I can now hear what people are saying”
Lynne says she decided to get her hearing tested at The Ear Depot “when I had difficulty hearing my grandchildren.”
She considers the team “very professional, friendly and knowledgeable” following her comprehensive hearing assessment, which resulted in a prescription for hearing aids for Lynne.She also says “the staff and the service” especially stood out to her.
Referring to her new devices, Lynne says, “I can now hear what people are saying. I am still unable to hear well if a lot of people are talking in a room or if there’s a lot of background music with people talking.”
Lynne gives The Ear Depot a 10/10 rating. To anyone struggling with their hearing, she says, “If you have concerns, you need to have your hearing checked to see if hearing aids are right for you.Go to The Ear Depot.They will do a great check and recommend hearing aids and will do a great service but will not push you into buying if you don’t need them.”
Lynne B.
“They make you feel at ease”
Dale says he became concerned about his hearing when he noticed he “couldn’t hear the high-pitched sounds” anymore. Although he knew he needed to get his hearing checked, Dale admits he was worried he “would have to wear big hearing aids.”
Upon visiting The Ear Depot, Dale found himself in good hands. “Everyone was and is very nice and ready to help at every turn,” he says.
Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, Dale was prescribed hearing aids. While his devices help him to hear better, Dale shares, “I still don’t like wearing them but am looking forward to seeing what new aids will be available soon.”
Dale rates The Ear Depot a 10/10 and encourages others “not to worry” about getting their hearing checked. “They won’t stop until you are satisfied,” says Dale. “They make you feel at ease and comfortable.”
“Friendly and helpful”
When out and about, Bob says he was “unable to hear in a crowd.” He adds, “I always seemed to be saying, ‘Pardon?’”
During his time at The Ear Depot, Bob thought the team was “friendly and knowledgeable” as his hearing was tested and solutions were recommended.
In the end, Bob was prescribed hearing aids. He says his devices have improved his hearing “immensely.”
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Bob advises others, “Book an appointment. They are very friendly and helpful.”
Bob B.
“Awesome people”
Peter shares that he was becoming very frustrated with the “buzzing in my ears.”
Hoping for some peace and relief, he made an appointment with The Ear Depot despite wondering about the cost of hearing aids.
Peter describes the team as “very friendly and knowledgeable.” During his comprehensive hearing assessment, the cause of his tinnitus was investigated. Peter’s ears were examined, and he was given several hearing tests to see if hearing loss was the cause.
Now, with a treatment plan in place, Peter gives The Ear Depot a 10/10 rating. “Definitely give them a call,” he says. “Awesome people.”
“Everyone shows they care”
Hearing conversations was becoming a major challenge for Bill.
“I could not hear most of the conversation in a group, and at certain noise levels, I missed most conversations,” he recalls.
Prior to visiting The Ear Depot, Bill says, “Cost was my biggest issue. The Ear Depot helped here by helping me identify the probable cause and helping me apply to workers’ compensation.”
Bill says his first impressions of the office were “very good.” He adds, “Everyone made me feel at home. They took their time and explained everything in detail that I understood.”
Referring to his new hearing aids, Bill shares, “Like everything new, it takes time to get used to them. I had a few visits to have adjustments made. It was never a problem – always well received.”
Bill gives The Ear Depot a 10/10 rating and says, “I always recommend The Ear Depot. I always feel welcome. Everyone shows they care.”
Bill W.
“Go for it”
Dave says he decided to make an appointment with The Ear Depot when “my wife told me I had selective hearing.”
Although he didn’t have any major concerns before his appointment, he shares, “I felt I was too young to need them [hearing aids].”
Dave says the team was “knowledgeable,” and following his comprehensive hearing assessment, hearing aids were prescribed.
With his devices, Dave shares that his hearing is “better, but not like the real thing.”
He rates The Ear Depot a 10/10. To anyone considering an appointment, he says, “Go for it. They are available when you need them.”
Dave M.
“Life is definitely better”
Recalling the moment Dianne became aware of her hearing loss, she says, “I was on the board of directors for our condo association, and I was the secretary. I realized I wasn’t hearing the conversation well. My concern was that I might put wrong info in the minutes.”
Dianne’s visit to The Ear Depot wasn’t her first attempt at better hearing. “Unfortunately, I had had an unpleasant experience with a hearing company that my doctor referred me to,” she says. “As a result, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had done some checking on local companies before I selected The Ear Depot. It just somehow seemed like a good fit for me.”
Dianne describes her initial appointment as “pretty good.” She continues, “Unknown to me, my niece worked there, so I felt comfortable immediately. But I was so impressed by the fact that Matt did not try to fit me with hearing aids or even really talk about them in my first appointment.
He actually wanted to get to know me, what my likes and activities were. What my expectations were. An amazing experience.” She adds that she appreciated “the responsiveness to any concerns I had” from the team.
In the end, hearing aids were recommended for Dianne. Overall, she is happy with her decision to wear them. “It certainly makes life easier and less isolated,” she shares. “I do hear incorrectly at times, and some of my responses to questions have been so far off that we are able to have a good laugh about it. But life is definitely better with my hearing aids.”
Dianne adds that she is also very satisfied with the aftercare she’s received. “I still am amazed that I received a call before my warranty was up and you sent my aids in for a complete overhaul before it ran out and even gave me loaners,” she says.
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Dianne advises others, “Get there as fast as you can! Don’t wait until it becomes a problem; then at least there is a baseline to determine if it gets worse over time.”
Dianne W.
“Very caring and professional”
Dawna says she visited The Ear Depot because she was experiencing “earwax buildup and ringing in the ears.”
Prior to her appointment, she says that she wasn’t too concerned because her “mother always had a hearing problem,” so Dawna was familiar with hearing care.
Dawna notes that the team was “very caring” during her appointment, and she also likes their “flexible hours and friendly, informed service.”
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Dawna encourages others to make an appointment. “Don’t wait,” she says.
Dawna T.
“Pleasant and professional”
Rich made an appointment with The Ear Depot to address his hearing concerns.
He says, “I got tinnitus a few years ago, probably due to loud concerts I attended in my youth and peripheral noise in restaurants, which prevented me from hearing the person sitting across from me.”
Rich adds that he was getting “frustrated trying to hear a conversation.”
According to Rich, his experience with The Ear Depot has been “excellent.” He shares, “Everyone I dealt with was pleasant and professional.”
Following Rich’s comprehensive hearing assessment, it was determined that he doesn’t need hearing aids. However, Rich is staying on top of his hearing health. “Matt is the best,” he says. “I go every six months.”
Rich gives The Ear Depot a 10/10 rating. He encourages others to give them a try. “You will be pleased that you found The Ear Depot. Nothing is more important than your hearing, your eyesight and your teeth.”
Rich F.
“Go for it”
When Jeff became concerned about his hearing, he contacted The Ear Depot for an appointment.
He says his first impressions of the team were “quite good” and that everyone was “friendly” and “informative.” During his comprehensive hearing assessment, Jeff shared his concerns and described his hearing challenges before taking a few simple tests. Hearing aids were prescribed according to his unique needs.
With his new devices, Jeff says, “I hear many new noises in the house.” Jeff also likes how he can count on The Ear Depot for the “routine maintenance” of his aids.
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, he encourages others to make an appointment, saying, “Go for it.”
Jeff N.
“Worth the visit”
Ken became aware of his hearing loss in 2020. He didn’t hesitate to make an appointment with The Ear Depot for help.
He recalls that the team was “very friendly.” Ken was also happy that he “did not have to wait long” for his appointment.
Ken’s comprehensive hearing assessment pinpointed the degree of his hearing loss, and hearing aids were prescribed.
Now Ken’s hearing is much better with his new devices all around. He rates The Ear Depot a 10/10 and says they are “worth the visit.”
Ken K.
“I can now hear clearly”
Bernice visited The Ear Depot a year after her first attempt at getting hearing help elsewhere was unsuccessful.
Recalling her experience with hearing loss, she says, “I guess it started out by not hearing all that was being said to me. I remember I told my grandchildren they spoke too softly, and they kept telling me I was going deaf.
The moment I realized I needed hearing aids was when I went to a condo meeting and didn’t hear a word they were saying! That was a wide awakening, and off I went to The Ear Depot.
“The Ear Depot was highly recommended by a friend. I had a bad experience at an ear place the year before and was a bit concerned.”
During her initial appointment, Bernice says she found The Ear Depot team “very friendly and professional.” She adds, “I felt very comfortable,” and says she especially liked “the people that work there and the excellent service they provide.”
Following her comprehensive hearing assessment, Bernice was prescribed hearing aids. She is thrilled with the results.
“Wow, they have made such a difference in my life. I now hear clearly what everyone is saying. I don’t have to be always saying, ‘What was that?’ The TV doesn’t have to be sky high, and I can even hear softly spoken people. They truly make my life better,” she shares.
Rating The Ear Depot a 10/10, Bernice says, “Don’t wait, book an appointment now.”
Bernice M.