We hear constant concerns about looking old with hearing aids, or having them be so obvious on your person that you’re viewed as old as a result.
When you think of a hearing aid, chances are that you think of a large, off-pink or beige piece that sits awkwardly behind your parent’s or grandparent’s ear, buzzing or whistling away, constantly needing fiddling with.
Thankfully, due to the constant evolving advancements of prescription hearing aid technology, those bulky devices are a thing of the past. Here at The Ear Depot, we carry several incredibly discreet styles of hearing aids that, unless someone knows you’re wearing one, are practically invisible!
If you’re debating hearing aids for addressing your hearing challenges, here are some of our most discreet options that could change your hearing – and your life – for the better.
In-the-Ear Hearing Aid Options
In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids hold the speaker and the processing unit within one casing, rather than two separate pieces. They vary in size and sit differently in your ear canal, snug and near enough invisible, with the advantage of not interfering with glasses or other headwear that goes behind the ear.
There are a few different styles of ITE hearing aids that we offer for fittings, including:
Full Shell In-the-Ear:
The most powerful ITE hearing devices, which sit flush in your outer ear bowl. Because they’re one of the larger ITE models, they can accommodate more controls, like directional microphones and larger batteries for enhanced sound distinction and longer battery life.
These sit in the lower part of the outer ear bowl, which can offer more comfort and security that they won’t fall out. Due to their medium size, they offer a long battery life and can include directional microphones or manual controls for better sound adjustments and speech clarity.
Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC):
One of the smallest ITE models, these hearing aids fit deeply into the ear canal so that they’re almost invisible to the naked eye. Discreet and secure, CIC models have a few drawbacks in lacking features of larger devices, and their delicate fitting and insertion process can be difficult for those with dexterity challenges.
Start Your Hearing Health Journey Today!
Hearing aids can be stylish and powerful simultaneously with the right ITE model!
For effective support and a low-profile look that nobody will notice, hearing aids will help you feel more confident and reassured in every aspect of your life.
If you’d like to get started on your hearing health journey with hearing aids, we’d be happy to assess your hearing with a comprehensive hearing test. That way, we can start formulating a personalized treatment plan with your best interests at front of mind.
Request a callback to find out more about hearing care, or call us at your closest clinic in:
Peterborough: 1(705) 749-0707
Marmora: 1(613) 472 6134