Residents of Lindsay

Professional Hearing Care for Residents of Lindsay, Ontario

We’re happy to help residents of Lindsay with any sort of hearing loss challenges they bring our way.

With multiple factors in mind when it comes to choosing a hearing healthcare provider, we understand that you need someone who’ll look after you and your hearing for a long time.

Residents of Lindsay

The Ear Depot is here to help with our exceptional patient care and access to the best of the best in hearing aid technology – so you never have to worry during your journey to better hearing.

With unique healthcare for every unique patient we see, our team are ready to help you take that all-important first step on your hearing health journey. If you or a loved one is in need of hearing care, we’d be happy to talk you through our services and see what we can do to help you.

Scenic Lindsay is one of four communities within the city of Kawartha Lakes. Well known for its impressive railway system and plentiful outdoorsy spaces, Lindsay offers multiple fun experiences for visitors and residents alike.

From the bustling downtown area full of locally owned shops and restaurants to the conservation areas and winding Scugog River, Lindsay has something for everyone.


236 Parkhill Road East
Peterborough, ON K9H 1R2

Office Hours

Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Sat – Sun: Closed

Request a Callback

With so many myths and misconceptions around hearing loss, hearing care and hearing aids – you need a voice that you can trust.

By requesting a call back, one of our highly experienced team will call you for a no-obligation conversation to answer your questions, offer help and support you in making the right decision for yourself or a loved one.

Don’t want to wait? Call us at:
Peterborough: 1(705) 749-0707
Marmora: 1(613) 472 6134

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