
Specialized Hearing Care in Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, Ontario

We’re happy to help residents of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen with their hearing care needs.

No two pairs of ears are the same; we work with you to find out what hearing care will work best for your lifestyle. From the initial hearing assessment to check-ins about your ears each year, our team at The Ear Depot are trained professionals in all things audiology.

The Ear Depot's Hearing Care Clinic in Marmora, ON

If you or a loved one has noticed some trouble hearing, we’re here to assist as you start your hearing health journey. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Tourism hotspot Havelock-Belmont-Methuen has a small collection of permanent and seasonal residents that are proud of its history and heritage. While its name is a mouthful, the township has seen even more growth since its first settlers came to stay in 1823.

Havelock-Belmont-Methuen’s vision statement speaks to its compassion for its residents, dedication to preserving its history, and a hopeful look toward the future: “A caring community, bridging the past and present: working together making dreams come true.”


1 Madoc St. (Medical Centre)
Marmora, ON K0K 2M0

Office Hours

Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Sat – Sun: Closed

Request a Callback

With so many myths and misconceptions around hearing loss, hearing care and hearing aids – you need a voice that you can trust.

By requesting a call back, one of our highly experienced team will call you for a no-obligation conversation to answer your questions, offer help and support you in making the right decision for yourself or a loved one.

Don’t want to wait? Call us at:
Peterborough: 1(705) 749-0707
Marmora: 1(613) 472 6134

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